Final workshop report is here.
This is a workshop for a subduction zone community experiment using instruments from the nascent seafloor geodetic pool. The community experiment is planned to focus on deployment offshore Alaska and Cascadia, managing data collection, and community training. We aim to have a field deployment as soon as summer 2023. Your help at the workshop will be most helpful in guiding the design and logistical planning!
The workshop will be virtual over 3 days between May 2 - 6th, 2022 (Mon., Wed. 12-4 EDT; Fri. 12-2 EDT). There will be limited background information, as participants will be expected to have read through the 2021 workshop report, and ancillary information. Much work will be done during this meeting to decide the ultimate plan for deployment and other activities.
Additional reading:
Registration closed.
The Workshop Organizing and Program Committee:
Noel Bartlow, Ben Brooks, Donna Charlevoix, James Foster, Andrew Newman, David Schmidt, Spahr Webb, and Mark Zumberge
Brief agenda:
Monday (12-4 EDT; 9-1 PDT): all time below are EDT
Day 1 Convener: Ben Brooks
12:00 Welcome and overview
- Introduction - Andy Newman (10 min)
- Guidance from NSF - Gail Christeson (10 min)
- Review of past workshop - James Foster (15 min)
- Review of instrument pool - Noel Bartlow (15 min)
12:50 Status of current experiments
- Cascadia - David Schmidt (10 min)
- Alaska (+ limits on pressure) - Spahr Webb (15 min)
- USGS Participation for Hazards - Ben Brooks (5 min)
1:20 Concept going forward - Mark Zumberge
1:35 Brief Discussion
1:45 Break
1:55 Decisions on Science Questions
- Charge
- 2:00 Breakouts to prioritize goals
- 3:00 Report back
- 3:15 Group Discussion
3:45 Charge for "day off" - Andy Newman
Wednesday (12-4 EDT; 9-1 PDT): all time below are EDT
Day 2 Convener: Noel Bartlow
12:00 Survey results
- Report-out on survey - Andy Newman (10 min)
- Discussion (20 min)
12:30 Operations and logistics
- Deployment of wave gliders - Spahr Webb (20 min)
- Idealized deployment strategies - Eileen Evans (15 min)
- Monument design - Mark Zumberge (10 min)
1:15 Discussion
1:30 Decisions on Site Selection
- Charge
- 1:35 Breakouts to prioritize sites based on joint science goals/logistics
2:30 Break
- 2:45 Report back
- 2:55 Group Discussion
3:35 Opportunities for participation in experiment - David Schmidt
- Brief discussion
3:55 Charge for "day off" - Andy Newman
Friday (12-2 EDT; 9-11 PDT): all time below are EDT
Day 3 Convener: James Foster
12:00 Review of Day 2 outcomes
- Report-out on survey - Andy Newman
- Discussion - Andy Newman
12:50 Data management and policy - David Schmidt
1:00 Discussion on Ancillary Activities to the Community Experiment - David Schmidt
1:20 Wrap-up Discussion - James Foster
1:45 Close of Workshop - Andy Newman
After meeting on Friday, organizing/writing committee compiles information for report and planning further planning.