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Standardization Working Group
SFG data standardization working group
Within the framework of the IAG’s inter-commission committee on Marine Geodesy (ICCM), the international seafloor geodesy community started concrete reflections to establish a task force for seafloor geodesy data standardization.
This working group aims to :
• centralize existing solutions for storing seafloor geodesy observations, whether defined by instrument manufacturers or research teams.
• list precisely which physical observable would be of interest to store, along with the associated metadata.
• define file structures to archive and read (by computer but also by a human) these data.
• encourage the use of predefined standards to enable feasible data-exchange in-between the stakeholders involved in seafloor geodesy.
The kick-off meeting took place virtually on 2022/10/19 at 12:00UTC.
The minutes of this kick-off are available here.
We encourage everyone interested in the scope of the working group to participate and register to the mailing list for the data standards group.